The United Nations has published a position paper entitled “The UN common position to address global corruption. Towards UNGASS 2021”, outlining directions for action on how the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) against corruption can enhance UN capacities, policies and tools in support of Member States’ anti-corruption efforts. Three notable action points are:
Support inter-governmental processes to ensure that anti-corruption remains high on the political agenda;
Effective follow-up to the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) Implementation Review Mechanism through implementation of recommendations and sharing of good practices, and
Strengthen partnership with the private sector and civil society and promote collaboration between governments and other stakeholders.
The position paper presents some innovative ideas and initiatives promoted by Member States and other stakeholders without specifying who the ideas come from. These include interesting ideas, some of which reflect what the UNCAC Coalition - Association for the Implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption (which includes ILP) has been advocating for, such as:
Setting up a Mediation Mechanism for Asset Recovery (the Coalition and Transparency International have jointly made a submission to the UNGASS preparatory process along these lines);
Establishing Country-Based or Regional Anti-Corruption Commissions to Conduct Investigations;
Establishing International Registries of Foreign Beneficial Owners and Asset Declarations; and
Enhancing International Obligations for Transparency and Accountability in the Financing of Political Parties and Political Campaigns.