Our 2024-2026 Strategy

Environment and Sustainable Development
In the Environment and Sustainable Development programme area, there has been a growth in climate change litigation around the world. Major public and private funds are flowing into climate financing, presenting opportunities to verify that initiatives consider environmental standards and "just transition" principles. Regulations and structures for carbon markets continue to evolve, whilst mandatory human rights due diligence develops piecemeal through case law and international guidance.
Governance and Accountability
The Governance and Accountability programme (formerly known as Anti-Corruption) recognises that the rule of law, government effectiveness and strong measures to control corruption have a positive effect on mitigating economic inequalities, addressing elite capture of political processes, and challenging bribery for access to justice and public services. Unaccountable governance hinders core government functions, directly impacting vulnerable groups in societies and resulting in economic injustices.

Sustainable Finance
In the Sustainable Finance programme area (formerly known as Tax and Fiscal Reform), there is an ongoing process to achieve a major reform of the international tax system. Developing countries need to understand the impact of these changes in order to avoid negotiating away their rights to a fair share of the revenue. Financial instruments are also increasingly being used to create positive behavioural changes towards wealth redistribution that can contribute towards more environmentally sustainable development.
Enabling Civic Space
The overarching Enabling Civic Space programme is ILP’s response to the increasing threats to the legal space our partners work in. Civic space is narrowing in many nations through more restrictive laws limiting the freedoms of association, expression, information, and assembly. Shrinking operating conditions increase the importance of building legal skills and technical resources to bolster partners' work to reclaim the civic space for civil society, media, and whistleblowers.

What Makes ILP’s Approach Different?
Our model is partner-led
Expertise in the issues and regions we work across
Access to the highest calibre of independent legal representation
Enabling sustainable, systemic change, by providing these services to governments, communities, civil society organisations and media seeking to achieve justice.