Extractive industries are one of the main sources of fiscal revenue in African states. However, appropriate and up-to-date tax regimes are still missing in many of these states, and this has caused an immense loss in tax revenues.
ILP’s Action
ILP undertook comprehensive extractive industries tax training for the Committee of Fiscal Studies at the University of Nairobi. The five-day course, in collaboration with tax experts at the university, focused on fiscal measures in Africa, including topics such as corporate taxation or treatment of the extractive industries, including the different stages of extractions and taxation frameworks at both the national and international levels.
The audience included a mix of government revenue authorities, civil society organisations and others involved in the future of African extractive industries – from Kenya and other countries in East Africa.
Attendees, including revenue agents and CSOs, are now better able to develop policy alternatives and advocate for better tax laws in relation to extractive industries.