Anti-corruption protest in Nigeria
ILP pro bono lawyers assisted Transparency International (TI) with its Exporting Corruption Report 2022. This is an independent publication assessing the enforcement of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Anti-Bribery Convention by signatory countries and other major global exporters.
ILP's Actions
ILP engaged pro bono lawyers to assist in completing the country questionnaire prepared by TI, by detailing the weaknesses of relevant legal frameworks and enforcement systems or highlighting new developments. The lawyers also provided information on cases resulting from criminal, civil, or administrative actions and received by national courts; and discussed cases on the imposition or non-imposition of sanctions. ILP partner lawyers drafted the chapters on Ireland, South Korea and Luxembourg.
The report was published, and the findings were presented to the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions. The report will be used by TI national chapters to push for more enforcement, shine a spotlight on governments, and provide evidence support for national, regional and international advocacy.