We work with our partners to halt the corrupt networks that support illegal animal trade. Indonesia, one of the world’s most ‘megadiverse’ countries, is home to the largest remaining tropical rainforest, peatlands and mangrove forests and is a focal point for illicit wildlife trade.
ILP’s Action
ILP’s lawyers partnered with civil society groups to strengthen Indonesia’s enforcement regime by reviewing the enforcement sanctions for all types of conservation crimes and proposing recommendations to address gaps and loopholes based on international best practices.
By monitoring enforcement crime tribunals and analysing patterns of enforcement success for all types of conservation crimes - wildlife, timber, marine and natural resources - we were able to support our in-country partners to better map illicit networks, strengthen their working relationship with Indonesia’s government ministries and enforcement agencies and make technical recommendations on how to prioritise resources, improve prosecutor training, levels of enforcement and legislation to reduce illegal wildlife trafficking.
Orangutans are only found in the rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia.